Public Interest Commitments Dispute Resolution Procedure (PICDRP) Standing Panel Identified
ICANN has selected and entered into contracts with members of the Public Interest Commitments Dispute Resolution Procedure (PICDRP) Standing Panel. The PICDRP was developed to address reports that a Registry may not be complying with the Public Interest Commitment(s) in Specification 11 of their Registry Agreement
Upon receipt of a Public Interest Commitments (PIC) report, ICANN may call upon the Standing Panel to evaluate compliance by the Registry Operator with its obligations under Specification 11 of its Registry Agreement. The Standing Panel has 15 days to make a determination and submit a report to ICANN.
ICANN would like to thank everyone who responded to the call for Expression of Interest. A second call for Expression of Interest will be announced shortly to increase the pool of standing panel members.
Members of the current PIC DRP Standing Panel:
Dr. Christopher To is a Chartered Information Technology Professional, a Chartered Engineer, a Chartered Arbitrator, an accredited Mediator, a Law Professor and is currently the Chairman of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators-East Asia Branch. He has over 20 years experience in handling and resolving disputes.”
Mr. David JA Cairns is a partner in a legal firm in Madrid specializing in international dispute resolution. He has extensive experience in trademark disputes involving domain names, including disputes pursuant to the UDRP, the new gTLD program, and in arbitrations pursuant to WIPO’s Expedited Arbitration Rules.
Mr. Richard Hill has been involved in the technical, legal, and governance aspects of the Internet since the mid 1990s. He has been a UDRP arbitrator since the inception of the UDRP.
View the call for Expression of Interests for PIC Dispute Resolution Procedure announcement:
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