Trademark Clearinghouse Verification Service Now Accepting Additional Abused Labels
11 October 2013
Abused Domain Name label service for Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) Verification is now available. It was created to help rights owners protect labels that have a history of being abusively used or registered in the Domain Names Space.
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The Abused Domain Name labels service allows rights holders to register up to 50 abused labels related to a verified trademark record in the Clearinghouse. These associated labels must have been the subject of a determination in a prior UDRP case or court decision in which the rights holder prevailed. The TMCH Validator, facilitated by Deloitte, will examine former and current ICANN-approved UDRP providers’ database information and court case documentation to ensure each label submitted meets this criterion. View information on service fees for additional labels.
After validation, these labels will be added to the list of Domain Name Labels subject to the Claims process, and the information from the mark record plus the information regarding the URDP or court case will be included as a Trademark Claim in the Claims Notice for that particular label. ICANN expects to integrate abused labels into the TMDB Claims service by 18 October 2013, ahead of the earliest anticipated new gTLD Claims period.
All new gTLD Registries are required to offer a Trademark Claims period of at least 90 days upon the initial launch of the TLD. During the Claims period, anyone attempting to register a domain name matching a mark recorded in the Clearinghouse will be presented with a Claims Notice. If the notified party proceeds to register the domain name, the Trademark Clearinghouse will then send a Notification of Registered Domain Name to the relevant rights holders, informing them that the name has been registered.
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