Update: New gTLD Applicant and GDD Portal Q&A Published
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Questions and Answers related to the reported security issue in the New gTLD Applicant and GDD portals, as noted in the announcements below, have been published at https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/new-gtld-applicant-portal-qa-02mar15-en.pdf [PDF, 192 KB].
[UPDATE: A newer version of the Question and Answer document above, which includes answers to questions posed by the Registry Stakeholder Group, was published on 20 August 2015. View the document [PDF, 147 KB].
Update: New gTLD Applicant and GDD Portal Back Online
2 March 2015
The reported security issue in the New gTLD Applicant and GDD portals, as described in yesterday’s announcement below, has been addressed. The portals are now back online. An investigation to determine whether any data was exposed to an unauthorized user is ongoing.
As more information becomes available we will report on our findings and publish updates at www.icann.org/news and http://newgtlds.icann.org/en/announcements-and-media/latest.
Announcement: New gTLD Applicant and GDD Portal Update
1 March 2015
ICANN temporarily took its New gTLD Applicant and GDD portals offline on 27 February 2015 to investigate a reported security issue. Access to, and data in, these portals is limited to New gTLD Program applicants and New gTLD registry operators. Under certain circumstances an authenticated portal user could potentially view data of, or related to, other users.
There is currently no indication that this issue resulted in any actual exposure of data to an unauthorized party. There is also no indication that anyone other than those authorized to access the portal did so.
We are working to implement a solution to the reported issue and bring the portals back online. We are also continuing to investigate whether any data was exposed to an unauthorized user.
As more information becomes available we will report on our findings and publish updates at www.icann.org/news and http://newgtlds.icann.org/en/announcements-and-media/latest.
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